Three Inventions for the Blind that Changed My Life #SocialMediaMonday

Image contains: Abbie, smiling.

Since May is National Inventor’s Month, on this last day of the month, I’m sharing a post in which this blogger reflects on three inventions that made a difference in her life. These have definitely changed my life as well.


After I went blind some 20 years ago, I needed tools to adjust to my new life. I knew that as a blind person I wasn’t going to be very successful without some kind of accommodation or modification to the way I was living and moving in the world…

Read the rest on Empish Thomas’s blog.


By the way, for those of you who use the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, The Red Dress is available for download from their site here. No matter how you read it, please be sure to review it wherever you can. That goes for all my books. Thank you for stopping by. Stay safe, happy, and healthy.


New! The Red Dress

Copyright July 2019 by DLD Books

Image contains: young, dark-haired woman in red dress holding flowers

When Eve went to her high school senior prom, she wore a red dress that her mother had made for her. That night, after dancing with the boy of her dreams, she caught him in the act with her best friend. Months later, Eve, a freshman in college, is bullied into giving the dress to her roommate. After her mother finds out, their relationship is never the same again.

Twenty-five years later, Eve, a bestselling author, is happily married with three children. Although her mother suffers from dementia, she still remembers, and Eve still harbors the guilt for giving the dress away. When she receives a Facebook friend request from her old college roommate and an invitation to her twenty-five-year high school class reunion, then meets her former best friend by chance, she must confront the past in order to face the future.



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Guest Post: Abbie Johnson-Taylor #Reblog #Fiction

What a great way to start a Sunday! Thanks to BeetleyPete for publishing my short story on his blog. I recently ran across a prompt to write a story that starts with “Where were you last night?” So, I thought a twist on the infidelity theme was in order. Enjoy!


I am very pleased to bring you a fictional short story from published author and blogger, Abbie Johnson-Taylor.


by Abbie Johnson Taylor

“Where were you last night?” I asked my son, once we were settled at the kitchen table with coffee and store-bought cinnamon rolls. He’d shown up, unannounced, and I knew why.

He stared down into his coffee. “Like I told Carrie, I was at the hospital late with a patient. But she didn’t believe me. She let me slip into bed with her after I got home last night, but this morning, she kicked me out. She didn’t even fix me breakfast.”

I gave him my iciest stare. “Carrie called me at midnight, saying she couldn’t reach you on your cell. When she called the hospital, she was told you left at eleven. She was worried. I felt I had no choice but…

View original post 863 more words

Cellist Shares Philosophy of Music and Life #Friday Fun Reads

Image contains: Abbie, smiling.

Beginner’s Mind

by Yo-Yo Ma

Copyright 2021


What Audible Says


“I realize, perhaps for the first time that I had to learn the cello to become a musician, and that it was only through decades of musical exploration that I came to understand my responsibility as a human being.”

Journey with musical virtuoso Yo-Yo Ma as the iconic performer and global phenomenon delves into the world of self-discovery and our deeply interwoven humanity. This is Beginner’s Mind, Ma’s extraordinary addition to Audible’s Words + Music series, blending vivid personal memoir and breathtaking exclusive performances with indelible lessons gained over a lifetime pursuing meaning, connection, and shared purpose.

Beginner’s Mind continues Ma’s passionate exploration of culture’s role in helping us to imagine and build a better future, asking each of us “to strip away preconceptions and reclaim a beginner’s mind…one open to new questions, new connections, new explorations, and unexpected answers.” As Ma tracks his own profound journey through “four stories of beginnings,” listeners gain insight into his past and discover how the cultural visionary continues to find hope in the endless possibility of human curiosity, creativity, and collaboration.

Beginner’s Mind joins Audible’s ongoing Words + Music series, providing an outlet for musical icons to defy traditional formats with an innovative, and unprecedented approach to musical storytelling and personal expression.


My Thoughts


As a lover of classical music, I enjoyed Yo-Yo Ma’s narration and the included musical selections. I was fascinated to learn a little about his life growing up and that of his parents plus some of his adventures while traveling with his music.

But I was left wanting more. How did Yo-Yo Ma’s family react when he broke free of their influence, leaving his home in New York and studying at Harvard when he was sixteen? How did he become the musician he is today? One main point I gleamed is this. In life, there are always opportunities to begin again. Hence, the title.


By the way, for those of you who use the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, The Red Dress is available for download from their site here. No matter how you read it, please be sure to review it wherever you can. That goes for all my books. Thank you for stopping by. Stay safe, happy, and healthy.


New! The Red Dress

Copyright July 2019 by DLD Books

Front cover contains: young, dark-haired woman in red dress holding flowers

When Eve went to her high school senior prom, she wore a red dress that her mother had made for her. That night, after dancing with the boy of her dreams, she caught him in the act with her best friend. Months later, Eve, a freshman in college, is bullied into giving the dress to her roommate. After her mother finds out, their relationship is never the same again.

Twenty-five years later, Eve, a bestselling author, is happily married with three children. Although her mother suffers from dementia, she still remembers, and Eve still harbors the guilt for giving the dress away. When she receives a Facebook friend request from her old college roommate and an invitation to her twenty-five-year high school class reunion, then meets her former best friend by chance, she must confront the past in order to face the future.



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The Power of Technology #It’s Six-Sentence Story Thursday Link Up

Image contains: Abbie, smiling.

Technology can be powerful. But it’s also like a spouse. You can’t live with it; you can’t live without it. If I had a dollar for every time I wanted to throw my computer, tablet, or iPhone out the window because it wasn’t working properly, I would probably have enough money to hire someone to develop technology that would always work. On the other hand, there are powerful companies like WordPress, who have demonstrated they don’t care about their customers by ending support for their much-loved classic editor. Then again, if everything worked the way it should, life would be boring, wouldn’t it?


Thanks to Girlie on the Edge for inspiring the above with her six-sentence story prompt for this week. If you’d like to participate, click here.


By the way, for those of you who use the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, The Red Dress is available for download from their site here. No matter how you read it, please be sure to review it wherever you can. That goes for all my books. Thank you for stopping by. Stay safe, happy, and healthy.


New! The Red Dress

Copyright July 2019 by DLD Books

Image contains: young, dark-haired woman in red dress holding flowers

When Eve went to her high school senior prom, she wore a red dress that her mother had made for her. That night, after dancing with the boy of her dreams, she caught him in the act with her best friend. Months later, Eve, a freshman in college, is bullied into giving the dress to her roommate. After her mother finds out, their relationship is never the same again.

Twenty-five years later, Eve, a bestselling author, is happily married with three children. Although her mother suffers from dementia, she still remembers, and Eve still harbors the guilt for giving the dress away. When she receives a Facebook friend request from her old college roommate and an invitation to her twenty-five-year high school class reunion, then meets her former best friend by chance, she must confront the past in order to face the future.



My Amazon Author Page





A Historical Literary Figure #Open Book Blog Hop #Wednesday Words

Image contains: Abbie, smiling.

Welcome to another edition of Open Book Blog Hop. This week’s question is: “What historical/public figure would you most like to learn more about? Would you ever write about them?”


I’ve always been interested in Laura Ingalls Wilder. As a child, I lost myself in her Little House series. I imagined what it would be like to live on the prairie during the 19th century with no running water, electricity, or phone service, surviving blizzards and other hardships, and often going hungry and fighting to stay warm during the winter months. I was fascinated to learn about how Laura started teaching when she was only a teenager and about her sister Mary, who went blind during an era when there were no support services like there are now.

So much has been written about Laura Ingalls Wilder. I doubt I would write anything more on the subject. But I’ve thought about writing my own autobiography like she did. I may do that someday, but for now, I’m content with the memories of her family’s various little houses.


How about you? Are there any historical or public figures who interest you, whom you might want to write about? You can either leave a comment below or click here to participate in this week’s Open Book Blog Hop.


By the way, for those of you who use the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, The Red Dress is available for download from their site here. No matter how you read it, please be sure to review it wherever you can. That goes for all my books. Thank you for stopping by. Stay safe, happy, and healthy.


New! The Red Dress

Copyright July 2019 by DLD Books

Image contains: young, dark-haired woman in red dress holding flowers

When Eve went to her high school senior prom, she wore a red dress that her mother had made for her. That night, after dancing with the boy of her dreams, she caught him in the act with her best friend. Months later, Eve, a freshman in college, is bullied into giving the dress to her roommate. After her mother finds out, their relationship is never the same again.

Twenty-five years later, Eve, a bestselling author, is happily married with three children. Although her mother suffers from dementia, she still remembers, and Eve still harbors the guilt for giving the dress away. When she receives a Facebook friend request from her old college roommate and an invitation to her twenty-five-year high school class reunion, then meets her former best friend by chance, she must confront the past in order to face the future.



My Amazon Author Page

