A Poignant Story for All Women: My Review of The Perfect Breasts by Cara Bertoia #FantasticFridayReads #Fiction #Inspiration

What Amazon Says


The Perfect Breasts is a personal and raw short story about boobs, by Cara Bertoia author of Casino Queen. Written to honor breast cancer awareness month, all proceeds will be devoted to cancer research!

Brilliantly written, The Perfect Breasts is a riveting tale that chronicles the lifelong impact breast cancer has on every aspect of the lives of the Clein family. It should be required reading for every woman because it does not soft-soap the emotional effect of a life-threatening disease.

— Susie Black author of The Holly Swimsuit Mystery Series

Hannah Clein will always remember the day she went to a department store with her mother to buy her first bra as her last best day, “B.C.” before the cancer. She considered herself an ordinary child who loved challah bread, reading, and her family – often in that order.

With a normal life in the rear-view mirror, we follow Hannah over three decades, as she navigates the tricky transition from girlhood to womanhood. All her life, she just wants to belong. Be normal.

In a tale that explores a women’s complicated relationships with her body, and the love of her life, we learn the psyche is a funny thing. What are the perfect breasts? And how does the loss of a loved one affect those left behind?

The Perfect Breasts mixes family lore with imagination in a compelling tale of loss, longing, and love.


Buy from Amazon.


My 5-Star Review


After seeing a review of this short story on one of the blogs I follow, I decided this was the perfect time to read it. The scene where Hannah’s mother helps her buy her first bra reminded me of the time my own mother and I engaged in this ritual. Though I was an adult when my mother died of cancer, I could relate to Hannah. I never experienced what she did, but thanks to the author’s vivid writing, I could understand how she felt. I recommend this book to women of all ages, no matter their status.


Abbie wears a blue and white V-neck top with different shades of blue from sky to navy that swirl together with the white. She has short, brown hair and rosy cheeks and smiles at the camera against a black background.

Photo Courtesy of Tess Anderson Photography

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by Two Pentacles Publishing


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New! Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me

Copyright 2021 by Abbie Johnson Taylor.

Independently published with the help of DLD Books.

The cover of the book features an older woman sitting in a wicker chair facing a window. The world beyond the window is bright, and several plants are visible on the terrace. Behind the woman’s chair is another plant, with a tall stalk and wide rounded leaves. The woman has short, white hair, glasses, a red sweater, and tan pants. The border of the picture is a taupe color and reads "Why Grandma Doesn't Know Me" above the photo and "Abbie Johnson Taylor" below it.

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


Sixteen-year-old Natalie’s grandmother, suffering from dementia and confined to a wheelchair, lives in a nursing home and rarely recognizes Natalie. But one Halloween night, she tells her a shocking secret that only she and Natalie’s mother know. Natalie is the product of a one-night stand between her mother, who is a college English teacher, and another professor.

After some research, Natalie learns that people with dementia often have vivid memories of past events. Still not wanting to believe what her grandmother has told her, she finds her biological father online. The resemblance between them is undeniable. Not knowing what else to do, she shows his photo and website to her parents.

Natalie realizes she has some growing up to do. Scared and confused, she reaches out to her biological father, and they start corresponding.

Her younger sister, Sarah, senses their parents’ marital difficulties. At Thanksgiving, when she has an opportunity to see Santa Claus, she asks him to bring them together again. Can the jolly old elf grant her request?


