At the Old Ball Game

Baseball season officially starts today when the Houston Astros take on the Texas Rangers. If Bill were still alive, he would be anticipating the Colorado Rockies opening game. The house will be oddly quiet without the thwack of bat against ball, the roar of the crowd, and the radio announcer’s excited voice when a player makes a home run. 

Believe it or not, I wrote a poem about baseball. This is a fun pun poem which consists of words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings, i.e. sight (s I g h t) instead of site. (s I t e.” After you read this poem, you can click on the link below to hear me sing a well-known song about one of America’s favorite pastimes.






If you get a fowl bawl, (b a w l) you’re not playing the game write. (w r I t e) When you’re on home plate, and you see the ball coming toward you, swing the bat and prey (p r e y) that it connects with the bawl (b a w l) and sends it  in the write (w r i t e) direction. Theirs `(t h e i r s) a trick to that you will master only after months of practice and only if you have good I’s. (I ‘ s) It  mite (m I t e) be better two (t w o) dew (d e w) something like water aerobics which doesn’t require a lot of I (i) site. (s I t e) It beats being hit in the knows (k n o w s) with a bawl. (b a w l)



Take Me Out to the Ball Game


Abbie Johnson Taylor, Author of We Shall Overcome and How to Build a Better Mousetrap: Recollections and Reflections of a Family Caregiver

Author: abbiejohnsontaylor

I'm the author of three novels, two poetry collections, and a memoir. My work has appeared in various journals and anthologies. I'm visually impaired and live in Sheridan, Wyoming, where for six years, I cared for my totally blind late husband who was paralyzed by two strokes. Please visit my website at:

7 thoughts on “At the Old Ball Game”

  1. Abbie–Your post and audio-clip were also perfect timing for Milwaukee because opening day for the Brewers is tomorrow, April 1. I really enjoyed listening to your version of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.” I hope that you will consider explaining how you create an audio-clip at a future meeting of Behind Our Eyes. Thanks, Alice


  2. I love ur (u r) play on words Abbie! And you sing that old classic wonderfully. You should put the ballgame on anyway and fill your house with the sounds of spring in honor of Bill.


  3. The best thing about baseball is that there is always a game being played out there somewhere, no matter what day it is, no matter what time it is. The passion will live on through the valleys of time, and if you listen really hard, you will be able to hear the roar of the crowd.

    Great post, and I love that song!


    Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

    Vivian Green



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