Guest Post: Abbie Johnson Taylor #SaturdaySurprise #Inspiration #ShortStories

Image contains: Abbie, smiling.Thanks to Beetley Pete for publishing my short story on his blog today. It was originally destined for a flash fiction contest sponsored by Wyoming Writers in which the prompt was “wide open spaces” and there was a 500-word limit. But as you’ll see, it morphed into a longer work. Enjoy!


I am delighted to have received a guest post from American blogger and writer, Abbie Johnson Taylor.
It is a short story.


Shelby gazed out the kitchen window at the barn and surrounding landscape, covered in winter snow. More flakes were falling from an overcast sky, cascading in swirls of white. It felt so good to be home. She’d always loved her parents’ ranch in Wyoming, the wide open spaces, the livestock, the wildlife, even the harsh winters, and wished she hadn’t left after marrying Ian. As a matter of fact, she wished she hadn’t married Ian at all.

The kitchen door opened, and her father came in, stomping the snow off his boots and closing the door. “Boy, it’s really coming down out there,” he said, removing his gloves and stuffing them in his coat pockets.”

Shelby turned to him with a smile and said, “Well, the…

View original post 1,082 more words

Author: abbiejohnsontaylor

I'm the author of three novels, two poetry collections, and a memoir. My work has appeared in various journals and anthologies. I'm visually impaired and live in Sheridan, Wyoming, where for six years, I cared for my totally blind late husband who was paralyzed by two strokes. Please visit my website at:

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