An Unrealistic Book Series #MondayMusings #OpenBookBlogHop #Inspiration

Welcome to another Open Book Blog Hop. Here’s this week’s question. “Has a book or movie ever been based somewhere you’ve lived? How did it compare?”

As far as I know, no book or movie has been based in Sheridan, Wyoming, though some movies were made in this area. But Craig Johnson bases the fictional town in his Longmire series on the town of Buffalo, about thirty miles north of here. However, his portrayal of the area isn’t realistic.

In The Cold Dish, the first in the series, which I reviewed here there’s an Indian reservation near this small town where Sheriff Longmire lives and works. In reality, no Indian reservation exists near Buffalo. The closest reservation is Crow Agency in Montana, north of here. There’s also the Wind River Reservation, located in the west-central part of Wyoming. I guess some authors, for whatever reason, feel the need to alter the location to fit the story.

How about you? Dos a book or movie take place anywhere you’ve lived? You can answer in the comment field below or click here to participate and read other responses.


Abbie wears a blue and white V-neck top with different shades of blue from sky to navy that swirl together with the white. She has short, brown hair and rosy cheeks and smiles at the camera against a black background.

Photo Courtesy of Tess Anderson Photography

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


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New! Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me

Copyright 2021 by Abbie Johnson Taylor.

Independently published with the help of DLD Books.

The cover of the book features an older woman sitting in a wicker chair facing a window. The world beyond the window is bright, and several plants are visible on the terrace. Behind the woman’s chair is another plant, with a tall stalk and wide rounded leaves. The woman has short, white hair, glasses, a red sweater, and tan pants. The border of the picture is a taupe color and reads "Why Grandma Doesn't Know Me" above the photo and "Abbie Johnson Taylor" below it.

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


Sixteen-year-old Natalie’s grandmother, suffering from dementia and confined to a wheelchair, lives in a nursing home and rarely recognizes Natalie. But one Halloween night, she tells her a shocking secret that only she and Natalie’s mother know. Natalie is the product of a one-night stand between her mother, who is a college English teacher, and another professor.

After some research, Natalie learns that people with dementia often have vivid memories of past events. Still not wanting to believe what her grandmother has told her, she finds her biological father online. The resemblance between them is undeniable. Not knowing what else to do, she shows his photo and website to her parents.

Natalie realizes she has some growing up to do. Scared and confused, she reaches out to her biological father, and they start corresponding.

Her younger sister, Sarah, senses their parents’ marital difficulties. At Thanksgiving, when she has an opportunity to see Santa Claus, she asks him to bring them together again. Can the jolly old elf grant her request?




Deceased Father’s Project Brings Sisters Together #FridayFunReads

Image contains: Abbie, smiling.

The Sugarhouse Blues (The Hudson Sisters Series Book 2)

By Mariah Stewart


What Amazon Says


Allie, Des, and Cara, each having her own reasons for wanting a share of their father’s estate, agree to meet in the grand Victorian home in which he grew up, only to be greeted by another secret he purposely hid from them: his sister Bonnie.

The women reluctantly band together to take on Fritz’s challenge, working with a local contractor to begin the renovations financed by an account Fritz had set up for the task. While the restoration appears to go smoothly at first, it soon becomes apparent that the work will be more extensive than originally thought, and Des, elected to handle the money, needs to find ways to stretch out the remaining savings while searching for new sources of funding.

As strangers linked only by their DNA try to become a family, the Hudson sisters also try to come to terms with the father they only thought they knew. In the process, each woman discovers her own capacity for understanding, forgiveness, love, and the true meaning of family.

Buy on Amazon.


My Thoughts


After reading the first book in this series, The Last Chance Matinee, which I reviewed here, I had to know what happened to these sisters and their project. Although it helps to read the first book in the series before reading the second one, The Sugarhouse Blues provides a lot of the back story, most of it shown through dialog. I love how the sisters and their aunt band together in the face of uncertainty,

However, this book is not meant to stand alone. Although the ending is more satisfactory than that of the first book, it still leaves some unresolved issues. I can’t wait to read the last book in the series and hope the Hudson sisters find happiness and peace.


And now, I’m cordially inviting you all to a virtual open mic poetry reading this Sunday, August 8th, at 5 p.m. U.S. mountain time. You can share a poem or two or just listen. Click here for more information.

By the way, for those of you who use the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, The Red Dress is available for download from their site here. No matter how you read it, please be sure to review it wherever you can. That goes for all my books. Thank you for stopping by. Stay safe, happy, and healthy.


New! The Red Dress

Copyright July 2019 by DLD Books

Image contains: young, dark-haired woman in red dress holding flowers

When Eve went to her high school senior prom, she wore a red dress that her mother had made for her. That night, after dancing with the boy of her dreams, she caught him in the act with her best friend. Months later, Eve, a freshman in college, is bullied into giving the dress to her roommate. After her mother finds out, their relationship is never the same again.

Twenty-five years later, Eve, a bestselling author, is happily married with three children. Although her mother suffers from dementia, she still remembers, and Eve still harbors the guilt for giving the dress away. When she receives a Facebook friend request from her old college roommate and an invitation to her twenty-five-year high school class reunion, then meets her former best friend by chance, she must confront the past in order to face the future.



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