Book Reviews: Fiction & Poetry Something for everyone! #WordPressWednesday #Reblogs #Inspiration

Thanks to Lauren Scott for her excellent review of Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me and other books. If you’re searching for your next read, look no further. I’m sure you’ll find something to enjoy.


My husband and I lost the month of September due to our first bout with Covid. A mild case, thankfully, but one that lingered. Additionally, I lost reading momentum, but I’m finally, finally catching up. In the evenings when the sun has bid farewell and the sky begins to darken, I let myself relax while diving into another world whether it be a fictional setting or soothing poetry. When it comes to writing reviews, sometimes I fall behind, but I’m trying to write them soon after I finish a book. We’ll see if I stick to this system.


Read the original post.


Abbie wears a blue and white V-neck top with different shades of blue from sky to navy that swirl together with the white. She has short, brown hair and rosy cheeks and smiles at the camera against a black background.Photo Courtesy of Tess Anderson Photography

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by Two Pentacles Publishing


If you’re in my neck of the woods, this coming Friday, October 27th, I’ll be performing at the First Congregational Church, here in Sheridan, as part of its last Friday music series. The program will start at 5:30 pm Mountain Time and shouldn’t last longer than an hour. The church is located at 100 West Works Street. I hope you can come.

If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my email list to receive my monthly newsletter and other announcements. This is a one-way announcements list, meaning the only messages you’ll receive will come from me. So, you can rest assured that this list is low-traffic. Send a blank email to:  You’ll receive a confirmation email. Reply to that with another blank message, and you should be good to go.


New! Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me

Copyright 2021 by Abbie Johnson Taylor.

Independently published with the help of DLD Books.

The cover of the book features an older woman sitting in a wicker chair facing a window. The world beyond the window is bright, and several plants are visible on the terrace. Behind the woman’s chair is another plant, with a tall stalk and wide rounded leaves. The woman has short, white hair, glasses, a red sweater, and tan pants. The border of the picture is a taupe color and reads "Why Grandma Doesn't Know Me" above the photo and "Abbie Johnson Taylor" below it.

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


Sixteen-year-old Natalie’s grandmother, suffering from dementia and confined to a wheelchair, lives in a nursing home and rarely recognizes Natalie. But one Halloween night, she tells her a shocking secret that only she and Natalie’s mother know. Natalie is the product of a one-night stand between her mother, who is a college English teacher, and another professor.

After some research, Natalie learns that people with dementia often have vivid memories of past events. Still not wanting to believe what her grandmother has told her, she finds her biological father online. The resemblance between them is undeniable. Not knowing what else to do, she shows his photo and website to her parents.

Natalie realizes she has some growing up to do. Scared and confused, she reaches out to her biological father, and they start corresponding.

Her younger sister, Sarah, senses their parents’ marital difficulties. At Thanksgiving, when she has an opportunity to see Santa Claus, she asks him to bring them together again. Can the jolly old elf grant her request?


Poems About Humans and Nature: My Review of Ever So Gently by Lauren Scott #FantasticFridayReads #Poetry #Inspiration

What Amazon Says


In Ever So Gently, Lauren Scott shares her strong link to nature, taking the reader on a tranquil walk through a redwood grove. You’ll find an invitation to sit quietly on a patio, captivated by the simple beauty of a hummingbird. She’ll entice you to revel on the shore of a freshwater lake, mesmerized by its stunning beauty.

Scott shares how love has shaped her life. From that first delicious kiss to celebrating decades of marriage through a love that deepens over time. How her heart melted when she became a mom, then ached when her children started their adult lives across country. And how her adorable canine companions found their way into her heart.

Scott underscores how life presents mysteries we struggle to solve. We can’t help but ponder the deeper meaning of a simple vision. She prompts you to reminisce and reflect on your past, present, and future. Through the ups and downs. what matters most is to love and live ever so gently.


Buy from Amazon.


My 5-Star Review


After reading More Than Coffee, which I reviewed here, I wanted to read more by this author. Ever So Gently didn’t disappoint me.

I like the variety of subject matter in this collection. Some poems are about nature while others are about humans. Some are light while others cover more serious topics.

Because I’m an animal lover, my favorite was “I Was Adopted,” which is written from the point of view of the author’s Labrador. “Lost Conversation with Dad” reminded me of losing my own father. I could relate to “When Life Throws Us Curveballs” and “We Find an Escape” and like the way she ends the collection on a hopeful note with the title poem, “Ever So Gently.”

The editor’s introduction at the beginning and the author’s acknowledgements at the end add a nice touch. Although this collection is short, the poems are meant to be read more than once and savored.


Abbie wears a blue and white V-neck top with different shades of blue from sky to navy that swirl together with the white. She has short, brown hair and rosy cheeks and smiles at the camera against a black background.

Photo Courtesy of Tess Anderson Photography

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by Two Pentacles Publishing


If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my email list to receive my monthly newsletter and other announcements. This is a one-way announcements list, meaning the only messages you’ll receive will come from me. So, you can rest assured that this list is low-traffic. Send a blank email to:  You’ll receive a confirmation email. Reply to that with another blank message, and you should be good to go.


New! Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me

Copyright 2021 by Abbie Johnson Taylor.

Independently published with the help of DLD Books.

The cover of the book features an older woman sitting in a wicker chair facing a window. The world beyond the window is bright, and several plants are visible on the terrace. Behind the woman’s chair is another plant, with a tall stalk and wide rounded leaves. The woman has short, white hair, glasses, a red sweater, and tan pants. The border of the picture is a taupe color and reads "Why Grandma Doesn't Know Me" above the photo and "Abbie Johnson Taylor" below it.

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


Sixteen-year-old Natalie’s grandmother, suffering from dementia and confined to a wheelchair, lives in a nursing home and rarely recognizes Natalie. But one Halloween night, she tells her a shocking secret that only she and Natalie’s mother know. Natalie is the product of a one-night stand between her mother, who is a college English teacher, and another professor.

After some research, Natalie learns that people with dementia often have vivid memories of past events. Still not wanting to believe what her grandmother has told her, she finds her biological father online. The resemblance between them is undeniable. Not knowing what else to do, she shows his photo and website to her parents.

Natalie realizes she has some growing up to do. Scared and confused, she reaches out to her biological father, and they start corresponding.

Her younger sister, Sarah, senses their parents’ marital difficulties. At Thanksgiving, when she has an opportunity to see Santa Claus, she asks him to bring them together again. Can the jolly old elf grant her request?




A Delightful Trip Down Memory  Lane- My Review of More Than Coffee by Lauren Scott #FantasticFridayReads #Memoir #Poetry

What Amazon Says


From the early woes of childhood and teen years, this collection of stories and poems paints a picture of young dreams and fears. But as adulthood sets in, these dreams and fears change. More than Coffee touches on love and loss, nature and endurance, marriage and parenting. In these memories, humor diffuses fear and taking risks proves to be a powerful method in boosting self-confidence. Through it all, whether in the wilderness near a sparkling lake or in the comfort of home, there’s nothing like a good cup of coffee. A poignant and reflective collection of verse and prose that is best enjoyed sipping your favorite coffee roast.


Buy from Amazon.


My 5-Star Review


I bought this book after it came out a couple of years ago and forgot about it until I recently read about Lauren Scott’s latest poetry collection, Ever So Gently, which I’m also reading. I recently developed a taste for coffee and thought this would be the perfect book to read, though it’s not really about coffee. Since I do most of my reading before bed, drinking coffee while reading this book was out of the question, but a cup of hot chocolate created a nice substitute.

Being a musician, I was intrigued by Lauren Scott’s experiences singing solo and with choirs and saddened to learn that she put her music career on hold, as did I. I enjoyed reading about her family’s adventures backpacking in the wilderness, and the piece about her fear of spiders was fascinating. Other stories about how she and her husband met and how her parents met and the lives of her in-laws brought back more memories.

The poems, some rhyming and some free verse, add a nice touch. This short, sweet journey down Memory Lane is sure to please everyone.


Abbie wears a blue and white V-neck top with different shades of blue from sky to navy that swirl together with the white. She has short, brown hair and rosy cheeks and smiles at the camera against a black background.

Photo Courtesy of Tess Anderson Photography

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by Two Pentacles Publishing


If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my email list to receive my monthly newsletter and other announcements. This is a one-way announcements list, meaning the only messages you’ll receive will come from me. So, you can rest assured that this list is low-traffic. Send a blank email to:  You’ll receive a confirmation email. Reply to that with another blank message, and you should be good to go.

New! Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me

Copyright 2021 by Abbie Johnson Taylor.

Independently published with the help of DLD Books.

The cover of the book features an older woman sitting in a wicker chair facing a window. The world beyond the window is bright, and several plants are visible on the terrace. Behind the woman’s chair is another plant, with a tall stalk and wide rounded leaves. The woman has short, white hair, glasses, a red sweater, and tan pants. The border of the picture is a taupe color and reads "Why Grandma Doesn't Know Me" above the photo and "Abbie Johnson Taylor" below it.

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


Sixteen-year-old Natalie’s grandmother, suffering from dementia and confined to a wheelchair, lives in a nursing home and rarely recognizes Natalie. But one Halloween night, she tells her a shocking secret that only she and Natalie’s mother know. Natalie is the product of a one-night stand between her mother, who is a college English teacher, and another professor.

After some research, Natalie learns that people with dementia often have vivid memories of past events. Still not wanting to believe what her grandmother has told her, she finds her biological father online. The resemblance between them is undeniable. Not knowing what else to do, she shows his photo and website to her parents.

Natalie realizes she has some growing up to do. Scared and confused, she reaches out to her biological father, and they start corresponding.

Her younger sister, Sarah, senses their parents’ marital difficulties. At Thanksgiving, when she has an opportunity to see Santa Claus, she asks him to bring them together again. Can the jolly old elf grant her request?




Ever So Gently by Lauren Scott #WordPressWednesday #Reblogs #Inspiration

I enjoyed reading one of Lauren Scott’s other books, More Than Coffee, which I’ll review here soon. So, I’m sure the book mentioned in the post I’m sharing today is just as good, and I plan to read it soon. Join Resa for a conversation with the author about the book and the inspiration for some of the poems.


Resa – Were the poems written in a sort of order, or did you write what you felt, quite randomly, and then organize them?

Lauren – I wrote them when I felt inspired, so no, they weren’t written in any order.


Read the full post here.


Abbie wears a blue and white V-neck top with different shades of blue from sky to navy that swirl together with the white. She has short, brown hair and rosy cheeks and smiles at the camera against a black background.

Photo Courtesy of Tess Anderson Photography

Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing


If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to my email list to receive my monthly newsletter and other announcements. This is a one-way announcements list, meaning the only messages you’ll receive will come from me. So, you can rest assured that this list is low-traffic. Send a blank email to:  You’ll receive a confirmation email. Reply to that with another blank message, and you should be good to go.


New! Why Grandma Doesn’t Know Me

Copyright 2021 by Abbie Johnson Taylor.

Independently published with the help of DLD Books.

The cover of the book features an older woman sitting in a wicker chair facing a window. The world beyond the window is bright, and several plants are visible on the terrace. Behind the woman’s chair is another plant, with a tall stalk and wide rounded leaves. The woman has short, white hair, glasses, a red sweater, and tan pants. The border of the picture is a taupe color and reads "Why Grandma Doesn't Know Me" above the photo and "Abbie Johnson Taylor" below it.


Sixteen-year-old Natalie’s grandmother, suffering from dementia and confined to a wheelchair, lives in a nursing home and rarely recognizes Natalie. But one Halloween night, she tells her a shocking secret that only she and Natalie’s mother know. Natalie is the product of a one-night stand between her mother, who is a college English teacher, and another professor.

After some research, Natalie learns that people with dementia often have vivid memories of past events. Still not wanting to believe what her grandmother has told her, she finds her biological father online. The resemblance between them is undeniable. Not knowing what else to do, she shows his photo and website to her parents.

Natalie realizes she has some growing up to do. Scared and confused, she reaches out to her biological father, and they start corresponding.

Her younger sister, Sarah, senses their parents’ marital difficulties. At Thanksgiving, when she has an opportunity to see Santa Claus, she asks him to bring them together again. Can the jolly old elf grant her request?




Photo Resize and Description

by Two Pentacles Publishing